Dec. 19 – Rep. Wendy Horman & Rod Gramer
School Choice vs. Public Schools: A Funding Debate
Rep. Wendy Horman, a school choice advocate, has introduced bills that she says empowers parents to direct education funds to the school setting that best fits their child’s needs—whether public, private, or religious. She will be debating Rod Gramer, an Idaho native, journalist, author, and strong advocate for the public education system, he opposes vouchers, arguing that privatization takes funds from public schools, which already offer “choice” through community schools, open enrollment, public charter schools, and homeschooling. Rod recently stepped down as President and CEO of Idaho Business for Education, where he led the organization for over 11 years, representing 200 members statewide.
They will be speaking to the City Club audience on Dec 19th in a lunch meeting from noon-1:30pm, at the Bennion Student Union building on ISU campus in Idaho Falls. Parking fees in the northwest lot will be waived during the event.
RSVP’s for Lunch must be done by Dec 16th at 4pm.