

In operation since 1949, INL is a science-based, applied engineering national laboratory dedicated to supporting the U.S. Department of Energy’s missions in nuclear and energy research, science, and national defense. INL is operated for the Department of Energy (DOE) by Battelle Energy Alliance (BEA) and partners, each providing unique educational, management, research and scientific assets into a world-class national laboratory. Visit them at INL.gov


Bank of Idaho combines a local financial focus with cutting-edge resources, providing our customers the newest banking technology and products. We invest almost everything we own into local assets. We are committed to exceptional, friendly service, and our employees are actively involved in community service. Headquartered in Idaho Falls with branches in Pocatello, St. Anthony, Ashton, and Island Park, the Bank of Idaho is the only locally owned bank in our area. We are what many would consider a hometown bank. And we are proud of that, too. But that doesn’t mean we are stuck in the past. Along with expanding our geographical reach outside of Eastern Idaho, our suite of products has also grown. Visit them at BankOfIdaho.com



Idaho State University, a Carnegie-classified doctoral research high and teaching institution founded in 1901, attracts students from around the world to its Idaho campuses. At the main campus in Pocatello, and at locations in Meridian, Idaho Falls and Twin Falls, ISU offers access to high-quality education in more than 280 programs. Almost 14,500 students attend ISU, receiving education and training in those programs. Idaho State University is the state’s designated lead institution in health professions and medical education. Visit them at ISU.edu


The Idaho Humanities Council (IHC) is a non-profit organization serving as the state-based affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). The IHC is dedicated to serving Idaho citizens by promoting greater public awareness, appreciation, and understanding of the humanities. The Council accomplishes its mission by awarding grants to organizations statewide, and by working with organizations as partners to develop local humanities projects and programs, and by sponsoring its own Council-conducted programs, such as summer institutes in the humanities for K-12 teachers, library reading/discussion programs in small communities, traveling exhibitions from the Smithsonian Institution, a Humanities Speakers Bureau, Distinguished Humanities Lectures, and other projects and programs limited only by the imagination. Visit them at IdahoHumanities.org


News, Information, Entertainment… Welcome to KISU-FM. KISU-FM is a dynamic, program-driven format of national, regional and local shows lending itself to listeners staying tuned in for long periods of time. Loyal listeners mean great potential customers. Long standing public radio news and information standards like Morning Edition; On Point; Talk of the Nation; All Things Considered and Car Talk are joined by entertainment excellence with the World Café; Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me and the Prairie Home Companion. Visit KISU.org online for the entire lineup.


We have been the “No Problem” place to buy and service your vehicle since 2005. We also work hard to make our community a better place to live, work and play. Our entire family of employees, together with our national and community partners, have always strived to enhance the lives of our customers, friends and neighbors throughout Southeast Idaho. The Teton Auto Group has a generous Corporate Giving program and our team spends a lot of time each year lending a hand to many worthwhile organizations that are working hard to make a difference in our community. We sell the best-selling car in the world – the Toyota Corolla. We also sell the best-selling car in America – the Toyota Camry. We have some of the most loyal, devoted owners of 4Runners, RAV4s and Highlanders ever. We service those vehicles and every other make and model too. But what is just as important to us is that we are good neighbors and contribute to the health, strength and vitality of our community.

Here in Idaho Falls, Teton Toyota has had a special emphasis on supporting children through education and youth programming, as well as supporting the vibrant arts community in our area.

We support organizations and programs in the following areas: Education, Youth, Arts, Wildlife and Hunting Preservation and Protection, and Pet Rescue/Animal Advocacy efforts.


In 2021, the Idaho Environmental Coalition, LLC (IEC) was selected by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to manage cleanup operations at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) Site under a ten-year, $6.4 billion contract. IEC is led by Jacobs and includes North Wind Portage as a partner. IEC’s team of integrated small business subcontractors includes Navarro, ORT and Spectra Tech. Together we offer DOE a team with a history of accelerating cleanup at the Idaho Cleanup Project (ICP) to reduce DOE’s environmental liabilities and to enhance the INL mission.

The ICP scope includes legacy wastes generated from World War II-era conventional weapons testing, government-owned research and defense reactors, spent nuclear fuel reprocessing, laboratory research, and defense missions at other DOE sites. The ICP is funded through DOE’s Office of Environmental Management (EM) and focuses on reducing risks to workers, the public, and the environment, and protecting the Snake River Plain Aquifer, a sole source aquifer that sustains Idaho’s agricultural industry.

IEC’s vision for ICP is rooted in the values of integrity, safety, and sustainability of our parent companies. We have deep ties to INL and Idaho Falls, with more than 25 years of continuous presence in the community and on the Site.

DOE and IEC remain committed to meeting all existing and future milestones and Site cleanup commitments to facilitate the INL’s ongoing missions.